Bulfinch Mythology is the best-known compilation of ancient myths and legends. In simple but elegant prose Thomas Bulfinch retold the most enduring stories of ancient Greece and Rome capturing the imaginations of generations of readers. Although written for a general audience, his accounts are drawn directly from Classical authors, such as Homer, Vergil and Ovid. Greek and Roman mythology has proved fertile ground for artists of all schools from the Renaissance to the present day. From Botticelli s Birth of Venus to the Pre-Raphaelites and Symbolists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the intensely pictorial and symbolic nature of the mythological perspective has shaped the artistic vocabulary in profound ways. It also provided artists with a permissible context within which to celebrate the human body.The works of art included in this edition evidence the numerous vital connections between art and mythology and confirm the continuing life of these ancient stories that still speak deeply to the conundrums of human experience.+
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